Sunday, March 10, 2013


Its not a typo. I am not referring to Wi-Fi. I am referring to Fi-Wi! Recently I came across the research inside the Zeitgeist Laboratory. These people are working on Fiber-Wireless Broadband Access Networks. This might be the future of Networks!

According to the Zeitgeist Laboratory , "  Future broadband access networks will be bimodal, capitalizing on the respective strengths of both optical and wireless technologies and smartly merging them in order to realize future-proof Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) networks that strengthen our information society while avoiding its digital divide." They are combining both the networks hence increasing the efficiency.

There is not much information available about these networks as of now. The proposed direction of research published by the Zeitgeist Laboratory covers following points.

1. Protocol Translation : It will be done at the interface of optical and wireless segments.
2. Radio Over Fiber : RoF  
3. Architecture : The architecture reduces cost and increases flexibility
4. Reconfigurability : It is done using Wavelength Division Multiplexing PON (WDM PON)
5. Cost Efficiency : (As half the world only understands the language of MONEY!) - It is future proof as it provides pay as you grow option.
6. Autonomic Networks : Similar to SONs

More information can be found on their website.