Saturday, August 20, 2016

To be or not to be!

Mr Shakespeare , said it right centuries ago.. To be or not to be... The opening phrase of hamlet represents the dilemma of the investors , board of directors , management and just everyone....

How does it affect Product Managers! In smaller companies where one has to be very careful about utilizing the available resources , To Be or Not To Be is a very valid question.. Yes its a question thats difficult to answer... Especially when you are thinking of new products/ideas..

Sometimes , it gets too close to decide whether or not to pursue the plan.. Sometimes the convincing presentations don't work... The business plan doesn't make strategic sense..

And it gets to a situation where you believe in the idea and need to convince the stakeholders , get the backing from the solutions architect , get the technical evaluation done and guess what the timeline was yesterday! Did you just forget the sales team ?

I am working on some easy prototyping and technical evaluation templates... It might be seem simple but I am sure , people who have been there will have a different opinion..

What has helped me so far is creating a plan that has shows the resource utilization and most importantly the effect on the other projects..

This is where I started using The tool has actually helped tremendously to get a clear picture to the teams , stakeholders , customers and everyone..

I think prototyping has been traditionally used but with the improved functionalities of the prototyping tools , its been much more easier for everyone to visualize and improvise without putting a lot of time.