Sunday, October 25, 2015

The User story

Lately I have started thinking more on the lines of stories. The more compelling your story is , the more is your product to succeed.

Its about solving certain problems of the target audience instead of delivering what you have. This is a classic problem , everyone wants to build there vision but guess what the user is the most important character of the story. Yes you have a wonderful design of a snow cone machine. But guess what I leave in Alaska! or yes you really have a great idea to improve wireline communication but guess what the world is going wireless.

A lot of times this is where the most of us as Product manager have to balance the creative engineering and UI design team and the customer expectations. Its always better to wear the user glasses when you are listening to them. It's super-easy to be defensive and go to "take it or leave it" attitude and its a different thing to understand what they are actually saying.  May be you have great oranges from the best farms in the world but your customer is comparing those with apples he has..

I am still pondering on how to better understand the needs and come up with appropriate plans.