Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Journey : Concept to Launch!

Well Its a long long long Journey! But that doesn't make it boring.. Its a thrill! Its a journey where you spend sleepless nights..hours of hard work..

But its a wonderful feeling to actually see something you had just thought of! I think a good way to depict it would be an info-graphic.

This journey can be different depending on the product , customer, if you are B2B or B2C , SaaS , PaaS etc. What I have worked on is the SaaS product. So a lot of it might be applicable for the B2B domain. 

The Step 1 : Concept / Idea 

Not all of us get our ideas from the falling apple, but these daya really a lot of ideas are falling around. It needs a Newton though who can see that idea! B2B a lot of ideas come as a part of Market research or new needs of the existing customers. 

If you are lucky and convince all different organizations involved, you move to the next phase. 
Be ready to answer question for the business case, $$$$ , technology, feasibility etc etc

Step 2 : Brainstorming

This is the DIVERGING step. This is where all great brains are put to work! Every one comes up with the usecases , Hows and Whats of the product. Probable features , (Trust me , its super crazy : You might end up discussing why not come up with a Telecom infrastructure for Mars! ) 
This is where everyone is super passionate about their thoughts and the walls of conference rooms are not sufficient to write down all the ideas.

There is one more step (Very important though!) before the prototype and lets go through it in the next blog